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Threshold fluctuation, the random firing of nerve cells exposed to a near-threshold stimulus, has been studied for many years both experimentally and theoretically. In a previous work of Lecar and Nossal, a reduced phase space approximation is used to reveal the origination of noise, which might be the random fluctuation of the membrane potential and the sodium conductance, according to their deduction.


In this work, we confirmed their deductions both by plotting simplified functions and adding langevin force directly and doing iterative simulations to reproduce the results from a numerical view. We also take a trial on introducing full HH model into coding, and proposed possible plans to explore noise term under the condition of full HH model. 

A typical simulation result of 100 independent experimental events. Starting position: V = VB-dV = -54.81mV and m = mB =0.0977. 

Re-prove The Theory of Threshold Fluctuation In Neurons

​-- A Modeling Work

Coures Project
Collaborators: Meixi Lin and Hui An 
​Advisor: Letian Tao

© 2023 By Rachel Smith. Proudly created with

​Xiaoyu Lu






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